Archives for posts with tag: Communication

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“I wish statuses had a plagiarism check so people would give credit to where the got their enlightened statuses from. Some of yall are perpetuating like these are your original thoughts instead of giving credit due, which is proper when quoting.” -Sharnee Green via Facebook

Coincidentally, I had begun to write a post about this EXACT concept a few days prior and was compelled to continue.

With the onset of social media and reposts, retweets, and sharing of social media, I find that our sense of plagiarism is waning.

For those who don’t know, plagiarism is when you use a person’s thoughts, words, ideas or concepts and claim that you are the original author. For those who desire a formal definition, According to The Merriam Webster Website:

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Ironically, I saw a really motivational quote on social media. It had several likes, shares and reposts. The thing about it was it sounded eerily familiar. I heard another person (the author) say the exact same thing in their video. I sooooo wanted to write on their page and say, “hey, did you get this from such and such?” But, I didn’t want to seem like a hater on their “enlightened statuses” so I just let is slide.

Moral of the story:

It’s okay to post other people’s thoughts; it’s not okay to repost them or add a line or two that is different and not give credit to the person.

For example, if I wrote/said: “Today the sky is blue. It has never been this blue. You should look at it and enjoy it.” and you write the same thing, you plagiarized. Or maybe you add a few lines and write, “I just woke up. Today the sky is blue. It has never been this blue. You should look at it and enjoy it. Be blessed”  you plagiarized.

So when I find out that you are basically taking credit for someone’s else’s work, I give you the stank face because I have been deceived.


If you are not going to give proper credit, be original. Add to the conversation.Stop plagiarizing and just quote the person directly. You don’t want the stink face.

Be blessed.

With Love,


Have you ever been excited about going to an event? You get dressed, look nice, smell nice and believe it will be a great experience. This event could be a concert, a church event, a forum, a movie, etc. You sit down to prepare yourself for the amazing moment at hand and then recognize your experience has been impeded. Why? Because the person you are sitting beside is one of the 4 people I am about to discuss. These people ruin events and I would like to ask that these types of people are designated to a particular spot in any venue.

1. Talkative Tammy/Thomas-


This person does not know how to enjoy an event without talking. More specifically, he or she tries to converse with you. They tend to ask ridiculous questions such as, “Did you see that?” “What did he say?” “Oh, this reminds me of a time when….” “What’s the scripture?” “Where we at in the program?” Now, I will answer questions but I will not hold an entire conversation with you about the event or any other random tidbit you feel compelled to share. Stop it! Now, we both lost because I was listening to you instead of paying attention. I once was sitting by a friend and just blatantly ignored her throughout the event. I guess she assumed I couldn’t hear her, so she sent me a text message. And she was sitting less than a foot away from me.

2. Eyeing Eunice/Ernest-


This person has a serious eye problem. Or maybe they got the eye..I got the problem (Ya’ll remember that childhood saying) If we are in church and the pastor says turn to your neighbor, WHY am I the only one turning? Oh, that’s because you don’t have to turn because you have been staring all around the church and at my side profile the entire service. I’m going to need you to participate in the service. Look ahead. Look up. But don’t LOOOK at me the entire service. I want your head to swivel when the pastor asks you about turning to your neighbor.

3. Nosey Nancy/ Noah-


Okay, I admit. I check my phone while I’m in church. Yeah, yeah, I know I shouldn’t. I should focus. But what we are not going to do is focus on that. Instead, let’s focus on the fact that you’re in my cell phone every time I check it. (red herring) I mean, you are not an usher, who walked up on my friend like a thug in church and told her, “Shut it down!” in reference to her cell phone… Excuse me, whet? Not what…whet? Now I may not have agreed with the usher’s tactics, but I understood the reasoning. Since you are not an usher (because if you were you would be standing beside the door, handing me a fan, passing me a tissue or something like that) why are you in my cell phone? Why are you not focusing on the service? Mind your business. Geez.

4. Critical Charlene/Charles-


This is the person who always has something to say about the service. They tend to interrupt the flow of service with their mumbles, grumbles, and complaints. “Why they taking up 2 offerings?” “Why the pastor daughter up there singing? You know she can’t sing.” “Why does she have on that club outfit?” I don’t know the answer to any of those questions. I’m watching just like you are. So stop asking!



Have you had the pleasure of sitting by any of the four aforementioned people? Maybe you have sat by one person who has all of those personalities wrapped into one. If that is the case, may the force be with you and may you have the option to change your seat! What other personality types am I missing? Share your story with me.

With love,


Feel free to share, post or comment.

So, I’m sure many of you are familiar with the new passive aggressive form of commenting on social media using Kermit The Frog’s face. Well if not, there has been a meme circulating that has Kermit drinking a liquid beverage, presumably tea (though some say it is liquor/milk/coffee). This meme is usually accompanied with a text of him saying something that may be truthful and partly comical but the underbelly is rude, disrespectful and sad. The meme ends with a statement under the guise “but that’s none of my business.” Kermit


Now, let’s be clear. I have nothing against Kermit the Frog. In fact, I hope him and Ms. Piggy have a great life together, but what concerns me is the passive aggressiveness that is being used by many to say things they would feel less compelled to say or post about others. Kermit is saying many things people want to say but have not or do not due to social etiquette or quite frankly because “it’s none of [their] business.” I believe some are posting these memes as a guise for their own feelings and a silent jab at others whom the post may be applicable.


I have seen some comments such as: “Some of y’all don’t look like your daddy at all…but that’s none of my business” “You posting naked pics for 100 likes but you afraid to read out loud in front of 20 ppl. But again, that’s none of my business.” “4 of my followers have the same boyfriend…but that’s none of my business” “Ya’ll liking the memes that’s talking about you…but that’s none of my business.” Now, the comments may be true, but have you ever heard the saying, “All truths don’t need to be told.” Truthfully, we all have memes that could be made about one aspect or another of our lives. images-2


So what if a person is rocking J’s and living with their Momma? So what if a person doesn’t pay child support but pops bottles in the club? What does that have to do with you? And a better questions is how can you help solve the problem?

In short, my motto: Don’t point out a problem if you can’t offer a solution.

Looking at it from a macro scale, maybe it is OUR business as a society. Maybe we need to discuss the single-parent homes, mismanagement of funds, misappropriation of government funding, and how some folks are just not so good parents, friends, coworkers, or people period.

Many may reason, well the memes are just for kicks, jokes, and giggles and that may be true; however, many jokes are grounded in truth…that’s what makes them relatable and funny. I urge you to go beyond the surface, dig deeper, and think of the message behind the memes. It is saying something. What? I’m not 100% sure. While some consider the memes hilarious, I believe it is pointing us toward some larger issues in society. Now that’s Somebody’s Business!

Food for thought.

What do you think? I’d love to hear from you. Also, share your kermit memes with me.

Feel free to share this via social media. With love, M.S.

Lately, I’ve noticed that many of my classmates, friends, etc. are either engaged or getting married. While I am happy for their union, every once in a while, I wonder (like many women) when is my Mr. Right going to come along? When will I be the bride in lieu of the bridesmaid?

I’m told the more successful a woman becomes, the more difficult it may be to find a suitable partner. By “suitable,” I assume that means someone who is on your level (whatever that means). But, I disagree. Too often mature and successful women hide behind the guise of “There are no good men, All men are dogs, All the good men are taken, etc.” In many cases, those excuses may not be valid. Maybe you are a woman with a jacked-up attitude or unrealistic expectations or insecurites that have build a wall up so high, nobody could climb it.

However, I do believe that there are a plethora of factors that could be considered when discussing relationships and why so many successful women are single.

I don’t know about you, but I get tired of being asked that same question, “Why are you single?” First of all, that is an unfair question. For many of us, if we knew why were single, then maybe we would not be single any longer. lol Second of all, many ask the question as if there is some negative stigma associated with being single. It is not a disease or an inconvenience. In fact, at this time, it is my preference.

My name is Morgan and I am single. Why? It is not because I do not like men. It is not because I am too busy to be in a relationship? It is a conscientious decision to focus on my aspirations and goals before getting caught up in any relationship prematurely. And more importantly, it’s because I want to strengthen another relationship first: The one between me and Christ.

As my walk with Christ continues to strengthen, I realize just how important it is to learn to love God before loving any other man. God will show me the true definition of love spoken about in First Corinthians Chapter 13. Then and only then, will I be prepared to love. That is not saying that I am not open to dating or meeting new people, it’s only stating that any relationship I have with a male is secondary to my relationship with God. And if any carnal relationship jeopardizes my spiritual relationship, then changes have to occur to realign me to the will of God.

I am an avid lover of poetry and last year, I stumbled across this website that perfectly explained my answer to the question, “Why are you single?” Please take the time to watch the video below. What is your answer to that very same question? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

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The Center for Global Public Relations

Image via Wikipedia

In my lecture that focused on international public relations, we discussed the 9 generic principles Vercic,L .Grunig & J Grunig (1996) argued might help the development of any Global PR program. Their ideas added to the theory of excellence in public relations and communications management by J Grunig ( 1992).

Those 9 generic problems are as follows (taken from lecture given bySarah Williams, MMU):

“PR understood and practiced according to the two-symmetrical model

PR involvement in strategic management

Empowerment of PR  in dominant coalition or in direct reporting relationship to top management
PR function treated as management function independent of other functions
Symmetrical system of internal communication
Managerial role of practitioners
Knowledge potential for the managerial role and symmetrical PR
Diversity embodied in all roles
Integrated PR function”

However, Vercic,L .Grunig & J Grunig (1996) noted how the development of communications program must take into consideration the local conditions/consrtaints of that country.

While sitting in class, I could not help but think about the Center for Global Public Relations, located at the University of North Carolina- Charlotte within the Communication Department.

I have worked there over a year now, and within our office, I believe that we embody these characteristics. For example, our internal communication is definitely symmetric and less of a top-down approach. We communicate regularly with daily and weekly updates along with our weekly meetings. Even for those who are abroad or away, the main office still keeps us in touch with the weekly activities and progress of the Center. We work together to come up with the best strategies and tactics for whatever job is at hand.

Currently, ne of the many things we are working on is the Second Annual Global Research Conference of the Center for Global Public Relations. The Conference will be held on  April 20, 2012, in Charlotte, North Carolina, U.S.A.  Abstract submissions of scholarly papers and case studies/position papers should revolve around the conference theme, “Communicating Beyond Borders: Building Relationships Among Corporations, NGO’s and Governments.”

Don’t take my word for it, if you are ever in the area, feel free to stop by our office and meet our team. If you have any inquiries or just want to learn more about what the team does, visit  for more information.