Archives for the day of: September 6, 2011

As my time to depart the good ole’ U.S.A approaches, I have a laundry list of questions about everything from personal needs such as  will they have my favorite hair products to professional requests such as exactly how do I register for classes. These questions seem to endlessly consume my life (well, that’s a tad dramatic) but I do think about these questions at least once every couple of hours. It amazes me how I am not concerned about the big picture things such as how will my classes go? who will my professor be? as I am predisposed to have prematrure ventricular contractions about how I will get to class? Will I have the internet? What will I do without my cell phone? Will my family send me a care package?

I have less than a week and I have yet to begin packing. Packing is a beast and it is at this time that I wish to have a fairy godmother that would grant me three wishes:

1. Have someone pack my clothes and not to forget one single item on my list.

2. Allow me to see every single person (family, friend, etc.) before I go.

3. Deposit an infinite amount of dinero, pesos, pounds, euros, dollars, in my account to use whenever for whatever reason.

Do these requests seem unreasonable? I’d like to think not. 😉

But until my fairy godmother makes her presence known, I’ll suffice by laying out my clothes and items to pack, searching the internet to find the answers to my various questions, meeting up with as many people before  I leave and being grateful for the money that I do have in my account. (Though I always accept charity) LOL

Until we meet again, peace and blessing.


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